
This document outlines the road map for Boom ($BMA) - A platform designed and built for Creators to connect with their Communities through the power of NFTs on the Solana network.

Our Vision

  • To be the place for Solana NFT owners to gather and connect around all things NFT
  • To add commerce to Social Content and allow Creators to get paid for the value they produce
  • To remove the middle-man so 100% of Content value goes to the Creators and Hosts engaged in delivering it
  • To enable anyone, regardless of race, creed, or colour to speak freely
  • To build a platform that augments the human communication experience rather than hacks it for commercial gain
  • To decentralize and democratize Social Media on blockchain and make it anti-fragile

Upcoming features

  • The ability to mint, display and sell NFTs in your gallery
  • Deliver communities, roles and experiences based on the NFTs you hold in your wallet
  • Decentralise and open source our API to enable developers to build Social Media variant apps on top of Boom.Army
  • Open access to API data for any individual to programmatically engage with the world’s social opinions
  • Monetized Rich Content as audio and video
  • Unique Promoter Content that incentivizes airdrop campaigns for promotions and engagement


There will be a total of 420 million $BMA tokens with 9 decimal places of divisibility. The smallest unit of $BMA is called a meep with 1 billion meeps per $BMA.

Market cap spread

We’ve targeted 420M tokens to give a good price range on our journey to a fully diluted market cap up to $1 billion. Of course this will be dependant in the short term on amount in circulation. When we hit mainnet, that figure will be roughly 5M tokens of the total supply.

Token allocation split

  • 30% (126M) Community/Creators/Gamification/Artist Rewards/NFTs
  • 15% (63M) Public sales
  • 10% (42M) Eco-system & marketing
  • 15% (63M) Team
  • 20% (84M) Boom Army Liquidity
  • 10% (42M) Available for OTC


Q3 2022

  • Season Challenges
  • 2x partnership season challenge campaigns
  • NFT based boom account data - for verification, authentication, transfer and validation
  • Verified user badges with NFT staking and lock-up
  • Premium accounts
  • Weekly Solana Report with top news in executive format
  • Email address integration for report delivery
  • Tickers for NFTs and Token prices
  • Bulk Minting Your Own NFT collection
  • On platform $BMA swap aggregator
  • Integrate Genesis Go Shadow Drive to NFT Mint

Q2 2022

  • Launch Boom Heroes NFT - 15 April
  • Solana News Feeds - curated content and channels
  • Mint your own NFT Roles for Community Channels
  • All latest wallets in the Solana Wallet protocol integrated
  • Add push notifications system
  • Implement a feature ticket voting system

Q1 2022

  • Allow minting of NFTs on platform
  • Showcase creators wallet NFTs in their profile
  • Rebrand to Boom
  • Rehouse infrastructure on
  • List token on main-net
  • Provide a liquidity pairing on a Solana Exchange/DEX
  • Launch the Boom Army genesis NFT
  • Mobile and Tablet functionality fully operational
  • Integrate existing NFTs as Community Channels
  • Complete Art Work for Boom Heroes
  • Allow users to create collections

Q4 2021

  • Rewards for the 1303 Alphas
  • Onboard an initial core team for development, design and community management
  • Engage and onboard a CEO
  • Stabalize the platform in Alpha so all base functionality works seamlessly
  • Setup AWS to launch alpha
  • Launch BMA token on Solana test-net
  • Submit an entry to Solana Ignition
  • Establish a discord channel for direct support
  • Improve the UX experience for Content Creators so content is a first class citizen
  • Solflare integration
  • Implement native NFT posts on platform
  • Implement giphy GIFS on platform
  • Create a global feed
  • Build threaded comments
  • Allow unfunded recipients to receive tokens
  • Display post content without the need to verify account
  • Streamline login flow to one click login
  • Setup test suite to stabilise code base

Q3 2021

  • Build out the React JS client
  • Write v1.0 of the program contract
  • Setup a GraphQL API to handle request data
  • Setup a database in Postgres to store Alpha data
  • Build a base of Alpha testers (1303 finalized)
  • Setup a Twitter account and start building a community


  • Season One Challenge Action Cards Launch (Date TBA)
  • Season One Challenge Leaderboard
  • Meep Ups functionality - IRL events booking system
  • User marketplace for NFT buy, sell, swap