πŸ’₯ Build diary - week 6 πŸ’₯

Posted March 23, 2022 by harkl ‐ 3 min read

This week we're 2/3 in terms of completeness for the features we're currently building, which we're going to deploy to production. All going well this is going to occur in the next few days.

Those features that are built and read to go are:

  • NFT Community DAO Channels
  • The NFT minting tool - you can now mint NFTs to create your own DAO Communities

The third feature that we’re currently finishing is:

  • Comment threads for NFT Community DAO Channels

During the last few weeks while I’ve been building these out, I’ve realised a few things. Namely that we’re going to end up with two different types of content threads.

Content type 1 - Posts

The first is akin to Medium, Reddit, Twitter or Wordpress where users are making a top level post focused on content and users are looking for that content then commenting on the post. This is the beta structure that we’ve got roughly built out in our Global Channel at the moment. It warrant’s a very specific approach to the UX, and it’s why when you look at all these sorts of sites, the wysiwyg to add content is typically position above the other content in the top of the screen.

Boom Content Post

Content type 2 - Messaging

The second content type is related directly to Community DAO Channels and a more message based chat experience. This is closer in style to any messaging app you’re using like WhatsApp or Telegram. The content flow is bottom up and the input box is located at the bottom of the page to reflect the more conversational nature of the chat.

So I’ve reworked the channel design to reflect this:

Boom Channel Feed

Where to from here?

From here we’re going to be taking a distinct approach to both types of content. We want to be the best of both worlds described in the types of content above, all wrapped up on-chain with Solana NFTs driving our platform. We’re going to take distinctly different approaches to the UX to reflect this.

We’ll be implementing the Comment threads design above, and then deploying all three pieces of functionality together, as they’re complimentary.

  • NFT Community DAO Channels
  • The NFT minting tool - you can now mint NFTs to create your own DAO Communities
  • Comment threads for NFT Community DAO Channels

We’re hoping this is going to cause quite a stir, just in time to promo our Boom Heroes NFT Season Challenges.

Other things we’ve shipped this week

Until next week folks!