💥 Build diary - week 5 💥

Posted March 17, 2022 by harkl ‐ 2 min read

Is it week 5 already? Damn, we're moving at speed though and it's all good news.

The majority of the work to date has gone into the NFT Communities, and I can now announce that it is FUNCTIONALLY COMPLETE!!! That means that for every NFT collection you have in your wallet, you’re going to be able to select it as a private channel and Meep to other NFT hodlrs in your own exclusive NFT group. We’re also making improvements to the “Mint your own NFT” functionality so that you can create your own collection of NFTs, and then users can join YOUR OWN NFT CHANNEL. You can choose to sell those NFTs or give them away to mates, it’s up to you! Eventually you’ll be able to sell them on our market place.

Here’s what else we’ve delivered in the last 7 days:

Here’s what we’re working on at the moment:

  • The ability to add attributes and collection meta to your custom NFTs
  • NFT storage on Arweave rather than AWS
  • Retooling the way threaded comments work so that it’s easier to reply and see a Meep thread