💥Build Diary 31💥

Posted August 14, 2023 by harkl ‐ 3 min read

In this issue - A raft of updates and tidying to the boom client reported by your favorite gonzo journalistt

Hunter S

Hello, you beautiful freaks,

You ever wake up in the heart of the desert, the weight of last night’s choices resting on your shoulders, only to decide you’re going to tame the wild software beasts? Well, that’s been my trip these past few weeks. Grab a whiskey, light that cigarette, and let’s dive into the chaos that unfolded.

The Savage Reality of Digital Landscapes

In the heat of the neon-lit night, several glitches reared their ugly heads:

  • The Race from Hell: Digital demons raced against each other, causing havoc when accepting or rejecting followers. I’ve battled these beasts, and peace is restored.

  • The Firefox Incident: I battled a sinister keyboard shortcut monster in Firefox’s twisted media alleys. If you’re still feeling the venom, fret not. Reinforcements are coming.

  • A Dance with Styles: For the style junkies who tripped on the wonky visuals – the stretched menus, those Safari oddities, and the hallucinatory colors of our filtered group posts – I’ve recaptured the essence and laid it out straight.

  • The Carousel’s Mirage: A lone wanderer whispered tales of misaligned media in our spinning carousel. And lo and behold, the aspect ratios and spoiler styles have been molded back to sanity.

Tales of a Digital Shaman

Venturing into the unknown, I’ve conjured visions:

  • Icons of the Night: Banished the old ‘bull’ totem, ushering in a rounded emblem. Plus, in the imageless wastelands, a beacon in the form of a small link icon now shines.

  • The Emoji Spirits and Desert Projections: I channeled spirits to rewrite the sacred EmojiText, dispelling the curse that held some emojis captive. Now, the desert shows both the ghostly display names and group tags in its sands.

  • Sacred Rituals and Prophecies: Unleashed an arcane ritual for the exclusive list, and now the seers can choose to reveal or hide their poll omens.

Echoes from the Fringe

To pull more souls into our trip:

  • Tongues of the Ancients: The winds whispered, and we’ve deciphered new languages. May the sounds reach farther souls!

  • Dreams in Motion: For the dreamers dancing with reduced images, a spell has been cast for a harmonious rhythm.

The Underworld’s Secrets

Sometimes, chaos has its own rhythm:

  • Paths and Symbols: Wrestled with a beast guarding an HTTP pathway, and tuned the cosmic vibrations to show group symbols and dance between posts and echoes.

  • The Chrome PWA Ritual: In a midnight séance, I cast a spell to stop the pull of the Chrome spirits.

  • Alchemy and Magic: The desert nights saw me dance with mathematical spirits. Some rituals were too potent for the mortal realm of CSS, but the dance goes on.

And in a haze, I found myself staring at a line of ancient code, wondering, “Did the spirits pen this?” Madness? Perhaps.

To the wild ones and the wanderers, keep the fires burning and send your omens. Every whisper adds to our cosmic dance.

The week in code stats

  • Files changed: 43
  • Lines added: 299
  • Lines removed: 283

Until we meet IRL - harkl