💥Build Diary 29💥

Posted June 6, 2023 by harkl ‐ 4 min read

In this issue - Polishing up interactions, Full steam ahead on DAO delivery and More

Hunter S

Greetings, Oddballs and Outcasts,

Brace yourselves for a manic expedition through the pulsating veins of our latest tech concoctions. For those wild-eyed enthusiasts tracking our pursuit of reigning supreme in Solana’s DAO terrain, it’s time for a gonzo-esque exploration into a week that’s been as chaotic as a pack of bats in a strobe-lit cave.

Reimagining Interactions: Tripping Down the Digital Rabbit Hole

We’ve been hammering away at our Meeps feature like a crazed sculptor on a caffeine bender, tweaking and fine-tuning until it’s as sharp as the hallucinatory visions from last night. But, by God, it’s not just about Meeps! We’ve been racking our brain cells pondering over conversations and their digital handlings.

Soon, you’ll witness an overhauled Meep box, decked out in Paper elevation style, looking as flamboyant as a peacock on a cocktail. To add a dash of the unexpected, we’ve tossed in the capability to paste images directly into this input box, for sharing that’s as smooth as silk sliding off a bourbon bottle.

Peek into our DAO chat (formerly, the rather unexciting ‘Channels’), and you’ll be gobsmacked by the radical modifications. Everything from the way we show conversations to how we present @mention links has been given an adrenaline injection, transforming discussions into something more akin to a chat on Telegram or Whatsapp.

A Facelift for Visuals: The Beauty of the Beast

We’ve set about enhancing the visuals like a frenzied artist hurling paint at a canvas. Get ready for an interaction that’s not just dynamic but also as visually intoxicating as a hallucinogenic dream. Our heading font is now “Bangers”, aligning with the Boom! logo like a high-speed collision on the Autobahn.

In my manic pursuit of messaging perfection, the message box now radiates a certain kind of sex appeal. And while we’re talking about messages, we’ve ensured they blend seamlessly within the Speech bubbles. Additionally, we’ve set up a scrollable, fixed height for the message panel, keeping things neat and tidy, just like a meticulously organized drug den.

Deep-Diving into Functionality: Wrestling the Digital Beast

Our mastermeep threads have undergone a heavy-duty overhaul, akin to a surgical facelift. Now, the full thread remains as visible as a neon sign, even with the master meep hogging the limelight. We’ve also forged a system for mastermeep and parentmeep caching to guarantee the permanence of meep data, like some sort of unholy digital pact.

Furthermore, I’ve grappled with meep data handling like a bull in a china shop. I’ve constructed a type policy for users, merged it with meep data, and streamlined the user experience. We’ve advanced caching on this front as well, although we’re still sharpening this beastly blade.

Expanding the DAO: Brave New World

A major chunk of this update can be attributed to integrating DAO and channel data. You’ll be loading user channels using Collection NFTs directly from your wallet, just like pulling out a rabbit from a magician’s hat. Access to the chat and DAO will be as exclusive as a speakeasy – you need the right NFT, starting with #BoomHeroes.

This nifty trick extends to voting too, where we can all whip up tickets, cast votes, and stir the DAO cauldron. It’s a staggering leap towards our goal of being the undisputed rock stars of Social Driven DAOs.

A Look Ahead: Down the Rabbit Hole and Into the Future

As I spill these updates to you, remember, it’s just the foamy head on the ale of progress. I’m nose-deep in the digital swamp, tirelessly molding and shaping the future with every keystroke. There’s always a plethora of bugs to crush, features to birth, and code to streamline. So keep your ears to the ground, as the tremors of excitement are imminent!

Your relentless support and rabid enthusiasm fuels this wild ride. Building for a crowd as vibrant and passionate as you, is like playing a face-melting guitar solo to a stadium crowd – every single day!

The week in code stats

  • Files changed: 204
  • Lines added: 1575
  • Lines removed: 12260

Until we meet IRL - harkl