💥Build Diary 28💥

Posted May 29, 2023 by harkl ‐ 3 min read

In this issue - User Profile Retooled, Better Logout, Universal Notifications Sidebar, and More

Hunter S

Alright, My Fellow Midnight Coders,

Hope this digital letter finds you all in the best of spirits. Yours truly has been battling the fiercest strain of flu this past week, a condition fit to give an electric shock to a dead horse. So the delivery was a tad slow, like a beat-up jalopy limping up a San Francisco hill, but fear not. We’ve still churned out a slew of updates that I’m just dying to spill.

User Profile and Notifications

First off, we’ve stirred the cauldron and concocted some hefty improvements to the user profile and notifications systems. Picture this - the profile page now snuggles within its own little panel in a fresh container, like a fat cat in a cardboard box. We’ve jazzed up the notification format, preparing it to ring out channel notifications like some crazy town crier.

The notifications have come alive and now snag fresh data every 30 seconds. New mentions are counted, polled and displayed, as if by magic. We’ve ensnared notifications within a scroll box that dismisses old ones as you roll down, like a rogue bouncer tossing out last night’s drunks. And to put a cherry on top, your notifications view holds its ground for a complete page.

And if you’re a fan of nooks and crannies, we’ve hewn out a spot for a user profile right-hand drawer menu and a nifty notification drawer toggle on the right-hand header.


We’ve also put the logout process on the rack and stretched it into something more efficient. The old logout link, bless its heart, has been given the boot, replaced by a whizz-bang mechanism that scrubs the appropriate localStorage values clean.

Reply Box and Mentions

To polish your experience till it gleams, we’ve lined up the alignment of the reply box and neatened up the reply indicator. The mention types are now steadfast constants on the front-end, as reliable as a Swiss watch.

Pages and Sidebars

With a need for speed, we’ve fitted a notifications component and rigged the sidebars to load in a recoil component with localStorage state. We’ve also taken a broom to the pages and swept the notifications from them.

The main navigation bar has been overhauled. Sub-links to external sites now bloom and the generated dicebear avatars for user handles are as consistent as a seasoned drummer. We’ve also given a fresh lick of paint to the text palette colors and revamped the messaging for labs.

“The Lab” page has undergone quite the transformation. We’ve dropped in a spanking new image and hero menu items and constructed a page replete with image and content summary. It’s a sight to behold!

Final Notes

Listen up, v2 is on the horizon. We’re tantalisingly close to the day when you’ll get to run your digits over our new layout and retooled features that will make Boom use as smooth as butter. Most importantly, we’ll be battle-ready for #BoomDAODAO and primed to deliver the Boom.

The week in code stats

  • Files changed: 186
  • Lines added: 2861
  • Lines removed: 4756

Until we meet IRL - harkl