💥Build Diary 23💥

Posted March 30, 2023 by harkl ‐ 4 min read

In this issue - Discover the newly rebuilt Boom platform, Learn about the upcoming on-chain AI-based dungeon crawl, Input on the Dashboard

What I’ve been up to since Jan

Since January, I’ve been keeping myself busy with various projects and collaborations, contributing to the blockchain and technology space in different ways. Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ve been working on:

  • CAW Studios: I had the opportunity to work with CAW Studios for two months, during which I collaborated on several projects and had the pleasure of working with a first class team with huge ambition. Don’t sleepo on these guys, they’re first class and super well connected.
  • Open Source Solana starter for Material UI: I developed an open-source Solana starter kit that integrates Material UI, a popular React UI framework. This starter kit aims to help developers quickly set up and build Solana projects with a sleek, user-friendly interface.
  • Lead generation tool with a network chart of Twitter users: I built a lead generation tool that utilizes a network chart to visualize connections between Twitter users. This innovative tool can help businesses and individuals identify potential leads and expand their networks in a data-driven way.

Back onto Boom!

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been working tirelessly to rebuild large parts of Boom, a blockchain-based social media app. With significant improvements to the platform and an upcoming on-chain AI-based dungeon crawl called WhatIsGorgon, there’s a lot to be excited about. Let’s dive into the details.

Complete retooling of the Boom client and backend

In an effort to improve the overall performance and maintainability of the Boom platform, I’ve completely retooled both the client and backend with the following updates:

  • Migrated React build to Vite: By migrating the React build to Vite, I’ve significantly improved the development experience, with faster builds and better optimization for production.
  • Rebuilt the backend for Apollo-server v3: I upgraded the backend to use Apollo Server v3, which offers enhanced security, performance improvements, and better support for GraphQL subscriptions.
  • Solved all CORS errors: By addressing all CORS errors, I’ve ensured a more seamless integration between the frontend and backend, eliminating potential issues for developers and users.
  • Integrated Express into the backend: The integration of Express into the backend allows for better handling of HTTP requests and provides greater flexibility in terms of routing and middleware.
  • Updated all packages to the latest versions: To ensure the platform stays up-to-date and benefits from the latest features and bug fixes, I’ve updated all packages to their latest versions across both the frontend and backend.

These changes have led to a more robust and efficient Boom platform, providing users with a smoother experience and developers with a more reliable foundation for future updates and enhancements.

The Boom post format has been rebuilt

The post format on Boom has undergone a major revamp, enhancing both the user experience and the overall aesthetic of the platform. With a cleaner layout, improved typography, and better support for various media types, the new post format ensures a seamless browsing experience for users.

The main Boom meep feed has been rebuilt

The primary meep feed on Boom has also been rebuilt from the ground up. This revamped feed is now faster, more responsive, and better optimized for various devices. Users can expect a more engaging and enjoyable experience as they scroll through the latest meeps on the platform.

WhatIsGorgon is going to be an on-chain AI-based dungeon crawl

I’m also excited to announce the development of WhatIsGorgon, an on-chain AI-based dungeon crawl. This project aims to bring an immersive text based social gaming experience to the Solana blockchain, combining the thrill of dungeon exploration with the power of artificial intelligence. Stay tuned for more information on #WhatIsGorgon and its upcoming release.

Be true

I need some suggestion for what we should display on the dashboard

As part of the ongoing improvements to the Boom platform, I’m seeking suggestions for what to display on the dashboard. If you have ideas for valuable insights or features that would enhance the user experience, please feel free to share them in the comments below or reach out to me directly.

Tweet of the week

Big brain


The recent improvements to the Boom platform and the upcoming release of WhatIsGorgon are just the beginning of the exciting developments within the Solana ecosystem. Keep an eye on this space for more updates and future announcements.

Until we meet IRL - harkl